Oh are proud to support NHS staff from Cambridge University Hospitals Trust and Royal Papworth Hospital. To show our support to hard working colleagues we have adjusted our logo to incorporate the NHS Rainbow.

Events, courses & campaigns

No smoking day

14 Mar 2018


No Smoking Day is a great opportunity for CUH to promote an stop smoking message in which we offer support and information on the help available for smokers who want to stop. We do not promote no smoking day as a way of pressuring or forcing others to quit but instead offer information and support to those who may decide to quit.

Smoking remains the biggest cause of premature death in England accounting for over 80,000 deaths in the UK each year, with one in two long-term smokers dying prematurely from a smoking disease.

It costs the NHS approximately £2.7bn a year for treating diseases caused by smoking and is estimated to cost UK the around £5 billion per year, primarily through lost productivity and sickness absence.
Smoke free offer great advice and offer local support services for those wanting to quit smoking.

Find out more about stopping smoking and the services available to you by visiting our eat and drink well section.

Access further information on  the impact of smoking by going to the source of these figures:  NHS employers.

Find out how we can help you…

Cambridge University Hospitals
Website design: VA Associates