Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing

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Returning to work

Returning to work can be a difficult and frustrating process for staff, but we can help. Our professional services ensures a smooth and suitable progression back to work so the health and wellbeing of staff is maintained while also ensuring an efficient process to placing employees back into employment as soon as possible.

We provide advice to managers on staff returning to work after sickness and we make recommendations on the time scale and process of returning to work for each individual. The process used will depend on the circumstances and the individual involved. The process will be catered to fit the individual needs of the member of staff such as: phased returns for those having been off sick for a long time, job realignment to fit the new capabilities of the staff member or just referring staff when appropriate to a relevant service to give them support while returning to work such as Care first or the Psychological Wellbeing Service.

Phased return to work

This method of helping staff return to work is usually used after a long term period of sickness absence. The manager, occupational health (that’s us) and the staff member liaise to mutually accommodate a gradual return back to work. Phased return is beneficial saving costs for the employer and creating a positive experience for the employee that aids recovery and lowers the chance of relapse or complications.

We have highly professional clinical staff available including a Psychiatrist, Doctors, specialist Consultants, Nurses and Occupational Health Advisers. We are there to assess and support employees, guiding them and their employers on their return to work. Guidance and support is offered every step of the way from leaving work to returning to work.