Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing

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The incidence of Tuberculosis (TB) in the community has increased in recent years. The symptoms of TB are a persistent cough lasting more than three weeks, night sweats and unexplained weight loss. Transmission of TB is a recognised risk in healthcare work for both patients and healthcare workers.

Not everyone is vaccinated with BCG in childhood due to changes in the National vaccination schedule.

Who will be immunised?

Healthcare workers who work in areas where they are more likely to care for patients with TB who have not been immunised need to attend one of our Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing sites for assessment and advice.

What does this involve?

Testing for immunity to TB is always carried out before immunisation. This involves either a Mantoux skin test, which is carried out in the designated Occupational Health clinic or with an IGRA blood test. Currently all workers considered as high risk are screened by the IGRA blood test. This provides good screening for past exposure to TB. This ensures screening is completed for all staff that require screening. If the IGRA result comes back positive we can refer onto the TB clinic for support and further assessment.

Do I need an appointment?

Yes, please contact us on extension 216767 to make an appointment.