Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing

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Individuals working in health care need to ensure that all members of staff (doctors, nurses, porters, cleaners, other healthcare practitioners, support staff etc.) who…

  • work in clinical areas (particularly if high-risk)
  • have regular patient contact

…have been screened and are fully protected against measles. This can be demonstrated by history of two doses of MMR vaccine or a blood test demonstrating immunity. If you do not have immunity you would be offered two doses of MMR vaccine.

Why be immunised?

Measles is highly contagious and can cause serious health complications.

Who should be immunised?

Employees who have direct patient contact require two immunisations against measles to ensure adequate immunity or a blood test showing a positive antibody result which indicates previous infection or vaccination.

Note: Pregnancy is contra-indicated during the vaccination period and for three months after completion of the course

Protecting your staff

In addition to contacting staff members requiring immunisation by letter, we also provided update to managers through flag on the Health Roster system.