Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing

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Chicken-pox (Varicella-Zoster virus)

The majority of the UK population will have had chicken-pox or have acquired immunity to the disease. However, employees from tropical countries may not have this protection. There is now an immunisation available for healthcare workers.

Who will be immunised?

Staff who work in a health care setting, are in direct patient contact and are not already immune should be immunised. Individuals who have a history of chickenpox disease in a temperate climate are considered

What does this involve?

  • If you do not have sufficient evident of immunity a blood test to test for chicken-pox (VZV) immunity is required.

Then, for those whose blood test shows that they are not immune:

  • A course of two immunisations given four to eight weeks apart (a follow-up blood test is not required). Please arrange an appointment as soon as possible after your blood test. If the blood test is more than 6 months old you will need to be re-bled.

Do I need an appointment?

Yes, if you have any queries or need to make an appointment please contact us on extension 216767.

Note: Pregnancy is contra-indicated during the vaccination period and for three months after completion of the course.