Oh Occupational Health and Wellbeing

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Developing your understanding

Learn how to manage and maintain your mental wellbeing with techniques, tools, training, resources and guides.


Courses are available to help you improve your understanding of mental wellbeing.

Mental Health first-aid training course (CUH staff only)

This two-day course is open to all staff and aims to equip you with the skills you need to recognise the signs of poor mental health, and act more confidently to support someone.

Length: 2 full days
Participants: All staff

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Managing mental health in yourself and others

Learn simple, proven techniques to improve how you manage and support others mental health, as well as your own.

Length: Half a day
Participants: All staff

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Breaking negative thought loops

Simple, effective, practical techniques to help you handle stress more effectively. Cope better and feel better.

When you strengthen resilience (mental wellbeing) these things are proven by science to often happen:

  • You find it easier to focus
  • You recover from bad days quicker
  • You appreciate yourself more
  • You communicate more effectively

Length: Half an hour
Participants: All staff

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Building resilience in your team

This short session aims to support managers dealing with organisational change and other pressures, with a focus on understanding how to develop individual and team resilience despite what can be considerable change.

Length: 2 hours
Participants: All managers

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Confidence building

This course provides staff with an understanding of what contributes towards our own self-confidence, and how we can improve upon it. It can be of use to both public and non-public facing staff, as the content covers a wide range of skills, tools and suggestions.

Length: 1 full day
Participants: All staff

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Managing conflict at work

This is a short interactive workshop discussing: The background to conflict, techniques to manage conflict, scenarios and discussion of best practice with your colleagues. It will give you the chance to consider how you manage conflicting situations and how you could possibly do it differently.

Length: Hour and half
Participants: All managers

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Raising self-awareness: Knowing me, knowing you

Through taught input and interactive exercises you will come to a greater understanding of your own preference and ‘Type’ and hear from others with a different perspective.

Length: 1 hour and half
Participants: All staff

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Resilience and you

At the end of the workshop the participant will be able to:

  • To define and explore what resilience is
  • To discuss how resilience can help you deal with adversity
  • To introduce the theory of ABC
  • To encourage you to think differently about how you might tackle a future adverse event

Length: Half a day and a follow up hour two weeks later
Participants: All staff

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Stress awareness for managers

This E-learning will:

  • Explain the concept of stress
  • Explore how and why it stress effects individuals differently
  • Describe some signs and symptoms that may indicate someone may be
    experiencing negative effects of stress
  • Explore how to discuss concerns with a staff member
  • Describe management strategies and available options for treatment/support
  • Describe the five ways to wellbeing

Length: Flexible working (as long as needed) takes around 20-30 minutes
Participants: All managers or staff with team leading roles

For more information and dates please visit DOT (opens in a new tab).

Are you in a mental health crisis?

If yes, call 111, and select option 2. (Please note: select option two only when prompted for the Mental Health Service)